Longleaf Projects
Environmental Permitting
Longleaf is supporting public and private sector clients completing natural resources studies and permitting various types of projects through the US Army Corps of Engineers, Georgia Department of Natural Resources - Coastal Resources Division and other state, local, and federal agencies.

Waters of the US Delineation
Longleaf delineated jurisdictional Waters of the US (WOTUS) and non-jurisdictional features for a project site using application of the recent Sackett Rule and USACE guidance on WOTUS delineation and connectivity.

Solar Farm Tree Study
Longleaf completed a tree study and inventory in support of a new solar generation facility. Trees were identified, measured at the DBH, and located using sub-meter GPS. Tree data was then evaluated in GIS in coordination with project designers.

State and Federal Waters Assessment
Longleaf assessed State and Federal waters jurisdiction on resources located on a recreational facility redevelopment and natural areas restoration project. Our scientists applied recent regulation changes in the field to advise the client on the latest jurisdictional nuances in support of efficient and cost effective permitting scenarios.

EPA Grant Writing Support
Longleaf assisted a Georgia utility with an EPA grant application including research, coordination and writing to help the client meet the deadline and leverage federal funding for local projects that will improve water quality in the watershed.

Construction Compliance
Longleaf staff completed environmental construction compliance support for a number of coastal Georgia projects. Our team helped the clients manage construction by serving as the "eyes and ears" of project owners during the construction phase.